Monday 18 June 2012

www.Desktop Wallpapers

www.Desktop Wallpapers
What eventually drew him to acting was an accident. Suffering a knee injury while wrestling, it was suggested that he try his hand at school theatre productions. Being Cruise, he threw himself in at the deep end, with the musical Guys And Dolls (he'd soon also perform in Godspell), and immediately began to pursue excellence in the field. Typically, he gave himself a 10-year deadline to achieve success. At 18, he left Glen Ridge and moved to New York, supporting himself by working as a bus-boy, a porter in an apartment block and a table-cleaner at Mortimer's restaurant. In the evenings he took drama classes, auditioning for TV ads whenever possible. He looked good, he had that winning smile, but he was never hired. Casting directors always described him as 'too intense'. Other descriptions from those who knew him at the time included "long-haired", "angry", "muscular" and "obsessed with success". Feeding on hot dogs and rice, he lived, he now says 'like an animal in the jungle'.

As yet, he had no connections, but he did have some advantages. Moving from state to state, he'd found his need to fit in had caused him to pick up the appropriate accent. He was always playing a role. Then there was his charm
www.Desktop Wallpapers
www.Desktop Wallpapers
www.Desktop Wallpapers
www.Desktop Wallpapers
www.Desktop Wallpapers
www.Desktop Wallpapers
www.Desktop Wallpapers
www.Desktop Wallpapers
www.Desktop Wallpapers
www.Desktop Wallpapers
www.Desktop Wallpapers
www.Desktop Wallpapers
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