Monday 25 June 2012

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Cruise had come across Nicole Kidman at the premiere of her excellent Dead Calm. She amused him. Now, starring together, she won him completely, and he starred with her again in his next picture, Far And Away (directed by Ron Howard), about Irish lovers battling for a decent life on the American frontier. For Cruise, this tale was close to home as his great-great-grandfather, Dillon Henry Mapother, had moved from southern Ireland to Louisville back in 1850.
. The movie was not a raging hit, but Cruise was by now super-bankable. His presence made the fairly average conspiracy flick The Firm into a smash. Still, he was trying to shake his pretty-boy image, be seen as the "actor-artist" he believed himself to be. He worked constantly at this. On Days Of Thunder he was so intense the crew dubbed him Laserhead. On Far And Away, Ron Howard noted that he actually ran to the toilet and back. He is NEVER late, and demands the same professionalism from his co-workers. So next he took on Interview With The Vampire, as the murderous Lestat, drunk on power and immortality. Fans of the book denounced this casting, as did its author Anne Rice though, having seen the picture, she made an abrupt u-turn, claiming Cruise's Lestat would be remembered like Olivier's Hamlet. His charm and intensity had coupled well again.
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Celebrity Movie News : Tom Cruise: "18 Hour Day is A Thrill

Tom Cruise Profile part 1

Tom Cruise Profile part 2

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