Wednesday 27 June 2012

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Much to the dismay of everyone involved with "War of the Worlds" - particularly Spielberg, who knew focus was no longer on his film; but on its star's latest public hijinks - Cruise continued to defend his attack on Brooke Shields in a sharply worded exchange with "Today Show" (NBC, 1952- ) co-host Matt Lauer. During the infamous exchange in which he continually called Lauer "glib," he aggressively derided psychiatry as a "pseudo-science," provoking a formal rebuke from the American Psychiatric Association. Around the same time he was also reportedly instrumental in opening up the secretive church and inviting journalists to sample its practices. Holmes began taking Scientology courses, and suspiciously dumped her Hollywood handlers in favor of his. Nearly lost in all of Cruise's public appearances was the release of "War of the Worlds" (2005), the fourth film adaptation of the classic H.G. Wells story. A mostly masterful exercise in cinematic suspense and terror, the film was buoyed by a strong performance by Cruise as Ray Ferrier, a working class deadbeat dad who must protect his two children during a horrific alien invasion. In spite of the media brouhaha - or perhaps because of it - "War of the Worlds" was Cruise's top-grossing film up to that time at over $590 million dollars worldwide.grounds
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Rock of Ages (2012) - Official Trailer
Tom Cruise Singing in Rock of Ages, Top Gun, and More
Tom Cruise Talks Katie Holmes at the Rock of Ages London Premiere

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