Monday 18 June 2012

Gröbe Tom Cruise

Gröbe Tom Cruise
Promoted with Berlin's Take My Breath Away, it was a silly, macho, flag-waving monster of a hit (particularly amongst the gay community, though that's seldom mentioned) but again Cruise was intent upon growing as an actor, not simply as a star. Now he played Vincent, the cocky pool-player who draws Paul Newman's Fast Eddie (first seen in The Hustler) out of retirement. As a willing foil, Cruise helped win Newman the Oscar, but Newman changed Cruise forever. A renowned worker for charity, Newman raised his consciousness and got him interested in car-racing (he drove for Newman's team and thus got the idea for his later vehicle, Days Of Thunder). And, inadvertently, he got him married, Cruise meeting actress Mimi Rogers (Someone To Watch Over Me, The Doors) at Newman's Road Racing Classic Show in Georgia. Having dated Cher and Melissa Gilbert, Cruise would be with Rogers (six years his senior) for three years. Together they would serve on the board of the environmentally concerned Earth Communications Office. Formerly married to Scientology counsellor Jim Rogers, she would also introduce Tom to the religious group which he'd join in 1990.

. As a willing foil, Cruise helped win Newman the Oscar, but Newman changed Cruise forever. A renowned worker for charity, Newman raised his consciousness and got him interested in car-racing (he drove for Newman's team and thus got the idea for his later vehicle, Days Of Thunder). And, inadvertently, he got him married, Cruise meeting actress Mimi Rogers (Someone To Watch Over Me, The Doors) at Newman's Road Racing Classic Show in Georgia. Having dated Cher and Melissa Gilbert, Cruise would be with Rogers (six years his senior) for three years. Together they would serve on the board of the environmentally concerned Earth Communications Office.
Gröbe Tom Cruise

Gröbe Tom Cruise
Gröbe Tom Cruise
Gröbe Tom Cruise

Gröbe Tom Cruise
Gröbe Tom Cruise
Gröbe Tom Cruise
Gröbe Tom Cruise
Gröbe Tom Cruise
Gröbe Tom Cruise
Gröbe Tom Cruise
Gröbe Tom Cruise
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